Slap is a short film following a young man named Connor, coming to terms with his identity. He wears dresses and makeup in private but lives in, what appears, a masculine, conforming orientated society and family in Northen England.
Mis En Scene: The setting is gloomy and dull which could represent, not only the realistic weather where it is set, but also Connor's outlook on the place. He feels boring in the identity he is supposed to own. He feels trapped and lost in the life he is living and the tropes he must live up to. There is a juxtaposition between this and the vibrant, pops of colour when Connor is able to be his true self, wearing feminine clothes. The colour used is very expressionistic and often mirrors the emotions felt by the characters. In the boxing room, it is heavily red in colour which can show bravery and anger.
Similarly, there is juxtaposition in the things that make Connor happy. On one hand, boxing makes him happy. Boxing presents itself as a very 'masculine' sport, showcasing strength. Whereas, on the other hand, Connor loves to dress up and put makeup on. This seems much more 'feminine' and shows a sense of vulnerability.
Cinematography: A lot of the cinematography is hand held causing the camera to be unstable when walking the streets. This could portray to us how Connor feels unstable and weak in the society he lives in. This contrasts with the strength he feels when dressing up at home or when boxing. When he is dressing up at home, the camera is at a stable mid shot which portrays him as feeling more comfortable and stable in himself.
Performance: Connor's performance expresses anger and loneliness which builds throughout the movie as he feels less and less accepted.
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